Similar words: mutation, permutation, commutation, transmutation, mutatis mutandis, alternation of generations, nutation, imputation. Meaning: n. a mutation due to an intramolecular reorganization of a gene.
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31. These gene mutation distributing in all over the whole coding section of ATM gene. Every Exon exist the gene mutated site and no obvious hot mutated site be discovered.
32. Objective To study the gene mutation and clinical characteristic of hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7).
33. Objetive : To detect the gene mutation of a patient with anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia.
34. The two mutants arose from new gene mutation characterized by transformation and will be very useful in identification of new gene controlling peroxisome assembly from yeast.
35. Conclusion The loss of cell cycle check points and the disfunction of DNA repair caused by ATM gene mutation may be responsible for high radiosensitivity of AT5BIVA cells.
36. Change the time, the gene mutation that future generations of Apple's become very tall, please Apple.
37. Methods HPRT gene mutation frequency (Mf) was examined by the technique of multinuclear cell assay.
38. Objective : To study the effects of propolis against gene mutation induced by powerful mutagens in mice.
39. To investigate the relationship between isoniazid - resistance and Kat G gene mutation or deletion.
40. Cells with Ras gene mutation or transformed by Ras become resistant to p 53 dependent apoptosis.
41. According to comparing the zymograms of isoelectrofocusing, the relationship of enzyme activity and energy metabolism, and the relationship of enzyme activity and gene mutation were studied.
42. Objective To study a Chinese pedigree Hailey - Hailey disease - mine the ATP 2 C 1 gene mutation in this family.
43. Methods HPRT gene mutation frequency was examined by the technique of multinuclear cell assay.
44. These changes encompass a diverse set of biological end points, such as kari-otypic abnormalities, gene mutation and amplification, and delayed reproductive cell death etc.
45. How can a single gene mutation lead to a complex psychiatric phenotype?
46. Our Studies suggest that all the gene mutation may le ad to jaundice of the newborn, acute hemolytic anaemia, and have some relation to viral hepatitis, leukaemia, lymphoma.
47. ConclusionG 71 R gene mutation combined with G 6 PDdeficiency aggravates the degree of neonatal jaundice.
48. Objective To study the gene mutation and clinical characteristics of hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia type 7.
49. It has been widely applied gene analysis, detection of gene mutation and genetic disease.
50. Take the gene mutation that causes phenylketonuria or PKU. People with the disease can't break down the amino acid phenylalanine a problem that can lead to severe cognitive damage.
51. Gene mutation analysis was performed for patients with BH4 deficiency and their parents.
52. Objective To identity the ABCD1 gene mutation in a Chinese family with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy(ALD).
53. Multiple allele specific polymerase chain reaction (MASPCR) was used for targeted DNA amplification and gene mutation analysis.
54. The couples were put into three groups depending on the DNA of the men: men without the gene mutation, men with one copy of the mutant gene and men with both copies of the mutation.
55. Conclusions FH is an euchromosome dominant genetic disease that is caused by the defective LDLR resulted from gene mutation.
56. Methods: Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism(PCR-SSCP) was used to exclude known gene mutation of HGF from 2 familial gingival fibromatosis .
56. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
57. In this article, the growth regulating mechanism of chicken is discussed, The sex-linked dwarfism in chickens is due to the GHR gene mutation and point mutation and deletion are two main forms.
58. Objective : To identify gene mutation in a family with Weber - Cockayne type epidermolysis bullosa simplex ( WC - EBS ).
59. If the suppressor gene mutation may lead to disorders and cancerous cell growth.
60. BRAF gene mutation has been confirmed to be closely related to the dedifferentiation of papillary thyroid carcinoma.
More similar words: mutation, permutation, commutation, transmutation, mutatis mutandis, alternation of generations, nutation, imputation, computation, deputation, amputation, refutation, salutation, reputation, disputation, computational, commutative, generation, generation x, degeneration, regeneration, generational, generation gap, generalisation, lost generation, generalization, intergenerational, macular degeneration, spontaneous generation, mutagen.